II Climate Change Summit
of the Americas

August 31 to September 1


In July 2015, the Government of the Province of Ontario, Canada hosted the first edition of the Climate Change Summit of the Americas where Pan American authorities, indigenous leaders, environmental groups and representatives from various industries met in order to establish commitments to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and highlight investment opportunities in a global economy with low carbon footprint. The government of Jalisco has decided to resume the effort and spirit of the first summit and reconvene to subnational governments of the Americas along with the business, academic and civil society sectors to follow up the agreements reached in 2015. The best mba essay writers conducted a report in which it's explained in detail.

The fifth and final assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said that the current climate change is a consequence of the emission and excessive concentration of GHG; which aggravate the eartht´s natural greenhouse effect since the 1950s. causing an increase in the global average temperature of the land surface and the ocean, the decrease in volumes of snow and ice, as well as raising sea levels.



The Second Climate Change Summit of the Americas organized by the Government of Jalisco through the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Development, will bring together sub-national governments that make up the American continent with the aim of following up on the new challenges presented in the newly implemented 2030 development agenda and the Paris Agreements; in particular the exchange of experiences in climate action, financing and regulation and resume the commitments agreed in the Declaration of Ontario 2015.
It will feature the presence of Governors, Ministers and other dignitaries and representatives from several countries of our continent and the rest of the world, that will have the opportunity to share their experiences actively as well as to seek cooperation to implement the agreements reached.



Vision of Climate Change Summit of the Americas. To ensure that the Climate Change Summit of the Americas consolidates as an event that replicates periodically, in which the sub-national governments that make up the Americas participate to strengthen the fight against climate change through hemispheric consensus on the global climate agenda.


Annual Meeting of GCF

The Annual Meeting of the Governors Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF) will be held in conjunction with the Second Climate Change Summit of the Americas. This meeting will serve as a platform for creating new partnerships with states and provinces across the Americas, as well as with the private sector, civil society, Indigenous peoples, and financial institutions. Joining the GCF Annual Meeting with the Climate Change Summit of the Americas creates an important opportunity for strengthening subnational leadership and providing higher visibility for the agreements facing the twenty-second Conference of the Parties on Climate Change, COP 22, in Morocco.

The Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF) is a unique subnational collaboration between 29 states and provinces from Brazil, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Spain, and the United States. The GCF seeks to advance jurisdictional programs designed to promote low emissions rural development and reduced emissions from deforestation and land use (REDD+) and link these activities with emerging greenhouse gas (GHG) compliance regimes and other pay-for-performance opportunities. More than 25% of the world’s tropical forests are in GCF states and provinces, including more than 75% of Brazil’s and more than half of Indonesia’s. The GCF includes states and provinces that are leading the way in building comprehensive, jurisdiction-wide approaches to low emissions development and REDD+ as well as the only jurisdiction in the world (California) that is considering provisions that would recognize offsets from REDD+ as part of its GHG compliance system.


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